Monday, February 6, 2017

Fire Safety with WFD

Fire Safety Skit October 2016
The Weatherford Fire Department Fire Clowns present a Fire Safety program to the Parker County public and some private schools each fall during Fire Safety week.  This year was a western theme and the fire fighters design and built the set. The 20 minute skit teaches Stop, Drop and Roll, and Get Out, Stay Out and many other safely skills. I was able to help with the shows this year as a moose in the skit.  I also had the privilege to take photos during the show.  The skit is all about teaching fire prevention to the kids in a fun way that they will remember.  It was a great experience for me and I am excited to help again next fall.  

Us doing a practice run!
Chappy & Spanner

Stretch & Q2 & Squirt & Spanner.

Chappy & Squirt & Q2 & Spanner!

Me the Moose!!

Chappy dancing with the Fire Fighters!

The DJ's
We did a show before the Movie in the Park!

Me & Spanner
Me & Chappy