Monday, January 19, 2015

Chisholm Challenge 2015

It was an incredible experience to compete with Stars and Strides Therapeutic Riding Center in the Chisholm Challenge and watch my friends compete also.  Thank you to all the volunteers that make it possible!!

Trail - an obstacle course providing a reasonable test of skill levels.  Competitors will be judged on performing the course in sequence and initiate all steering of basic control of the horse. 

English - tests the rider's ability to ride – not the performance of the horse.  Contestants work a predetermined pattern and top riders return to be judged as they travel the perimeter of the arena performing gait changes at the judge's discretion. Emphasis is placed on ability to sit correctly, hold the correct riding posture, and control the horse on the precise pattern.  I placed 3rd in both of my English events. 

Western Riding - A competition based on the performance and characteristics of a good, sensible, well-mannered, free and easy moving horse. Horses will be  judged on riding qualities of gaits and change of lead. Competitors are judged on reining, attitude, smoothness of transitions, even cadence of gaits, and completing the required pattern.

Western Riding

Showmanship - designed to judge the showmanship skills of the exhibitors. Judges evaluate the grooming and fitting of the horse and expertise of the exhibitor in presenting the horse. Each exhibitor is required to perform a pattern designed by the judge with emphasis on preciseness of pattern and degree of confidence exhibited by the showman. 

Dad and Zhanna

Our hospitality stall

Western Pleasure - Contestants compete simultaneously, traveling the perimeter of the arena, and at the discretion of the judge, are asked to walk, jog, lope and reverse with direction of the horse. Horses are evaluated on quality of movement while staying quiet and calm. 


Joshua, Erin (not in picture), Ruth and Garrett came to watch me.

waiting to ride

I was able to help on Tuesday with the other riders since I was not competing that day.

Me and Papa

Grandma and Grandpa came to watch. 

Me and my friend Courtney Miller

Jet is a wonderful horse to ride and I love working with him!  

I received 1st in Western Riding and 2nd in Trail

My teacher Mrs. Miller is wonderful!!
Some of us went to Chili's afterwards.

Me and my brother Garrett!
